Gold Index: 564930
Business Type:Manufacturer, Trading Company City: Ningbo Province/State: Zhejiang Country/Region: China (Mainland) Follow Us:
small Permanent neodymium magnet block
SpecificationsNeodymium magnet - huge block: 1. High size precision 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles 3. SST:48 hours
Permanent bonded block magnet ndfeb
SpecificationsBlock magnet ndfeb: 1. High size precision 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles. 3. SST:48 hours ...
Bonded big block neodymium magnet
Specificationsbalck Bonded big block neodymium magnet: 1. High size precision 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles 3. SST:48/72 hours
black bonded neodymium block magnets
SpecificationsNeodymium block magnets: 1. High size precision 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles 3. SST:48/72 hours
Rare earth block neodymium magnet
Specificationsstrong Rare earth block neodymium magnet: 1.Superior magnetic properties, 2.High TwC, 3. SST:24/48/72 hours.
Permanent neodymium rare earth block magnet
SpecificationsPermanent neodymium rare earth magnet sheet: 1.Superior magnetic properties, 2.High TwC, 3. SST:24/48/72 hours.
Bonded neodymium rectangular block magnets
SpecificationsRectangular rare earth magnets: 1.High size precision. 2.Complicated shape and muti-poles. 3.SST:48 hours. ...
Sintered neodymium strong block magnet
SpecificationsSintered neodymium strong magnet strip: 1.Superior magnetic properties. 2.High TwC. 3.SST:24/48/72 hours.
Bonded rectangular neodymium magnet
SpecificationsRectangular neodymium magnet: 1. High size precision 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles 3. SST:48/72 hours
Permanent sintered neodymium magnet
SpecificationsPermanent sintered neodymium magnet block: 1.Superior magnetic properties, 2.High TwC, 3. SST:24/48/72 hours.
Bonded neodymium thin magnets
SpecificationsThin square magnets: 1. High size precision 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles 3. SST:48/72 hours
strong electric motor bonded magnet
SpecificationsBonded magnet: 1. High size precision 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles 3. SST:48/72 hours ...
Economic bonded neodymium magnet
SpecificationsBonded neodymium circle magnet: 1. High size precision, 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles 3. SST:48/72 hours.
Ultra good permanent rare earth neodymium magnets
SpecificationsPermanent rare earth neodymium magnets: 1. High size precision, 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles 3. SST:48/72 hours.
High performamce micro neodymium magnet
SpecificationsThin disc magnet: 1.High size precision 2.Complicated shape and muti-poles 3.SST:48/72 hours ...
Radical magnetization bulk neodymium disc magnets
Specificationsdisc bulk neodymium magnets: 1. High size precision, 2. Complicated shape and muti-poles, 3. SST:48/72 hours.